Publications in referred journals:
- A. Kiraly, I. Bartos, and I.M. Janosi,
Correlation properties of daily temperature anomalies over land.
Tellus A, 58 (5), 593-600 (2006).
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2006.00195.x
- A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi,
Detrended fluctuation analysis of daily temperature records: Geographic dependence over Australia.
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 88 (3-4), 119-128 (2005). doi: 10.1007/s00703-004-0078-7
- M. Pattantyus-Abraham, A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi,
Nonuniversal atmospheric persistence: Different scaling of daily minimum and maximum temperatures.
Physical Review E, 69, 021110 (2004). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.021110
- A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi,
Stochastic modeling of daily temperature fluctuations.
Physical Review E, 65, 051102 (2002). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.65.051102
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- L. Hevesi, I.M. Janosi, and A. Kiraly,
Circuit model of the atmospheric response function.
In: J.A.C. Gallas, M. Bezzeghoud, P.G. Lind, and J. Corte (eds.):
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES 2004),
Centro de Geofisica de Evora, Universidade de Evora, Evora, Portugal, 2004, pp. 174-177, ISBN: 972-778-073-3.
- A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi (2007)
Long-range correlations of ERA-40 temperature data: Geographic patterns and height dependence.
10th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Beijing, China
- A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi (2006)
Long-range correlations in daily temperature records.
International Seminar and Workshop on Extreme Events in Complex Dynamics, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
- A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi (2006)
Long-range correlations in daily temperature records.
Dynamics Days Europe 2006, Crete, Greece
- M. Pattantyus-Abraham, A. Kiraly, and I.M. Janosi (2003)
Nonuniversal atmospheric persistence: Different scaling of daily minimum and maximum temperatures.
Dynamics Days 2003, Annual Informal Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
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- A. Kiraly, T. Tel (eds.):
Teaching Physics Innovatively – New Learning Environments and Methods in Physics Education, e-book
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 454 pages, ISBN 978-963-284-815-0,
[pdf] (48MB)
It's freely downloadable from
(In 2017 the revised version of the book was printed with a different ISBN-number: 978-963-284-925-6.
The printing costs were covered by a grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.)
Book chapter:
- A. Király, A. Kárpáti, P. Tasnádi (2019):
Responsibility of Teachers: The SSIBL Model in Hungary.
[front matter]
In: E. McLoughlin, P. van Kampen (eds.): Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning. Springer, Cham, 2019,
Online ISBN 978-3-030-18137-6, Print ISBN 978-3-030-18136-9, pp 147-157, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-18137-6_13
Publications in referred journals:
- A. Király, P. Tasnádi (2019):
Atmospheric eddies in Science Centers – connection between secondary school teaching and informal learning.
Adv. Sci. Res., 16, 201–207 (2019). doi: 10.5194/asr-16-201-2019
- M. Pető, A. Király (2019):
How to build a mini meteorological station for your school? – A project with a citizen science perspective.
Adv. Sci. Res., 16, 185–189 (2019). doi: 10.5194/asr-16-185-2019
Other Publications:
- A. Király, P. Tasnádi (2019):
Environmental issues and meteorology in the training of physics teachers in Hungary.
EMS Newsletter, 2019 February
- A. Király, A. Kárpáti, P. Tasnádi (2017)
The Past and Presence of the SSIBL in Hungary.
PARRISE Final Conference – Science and society in education, Promoting Responsible Research and Innovation through Science Education,
August 20th, 2017, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.
- A. Kiraly (1997)
An Investigation of Planar LIF and Rayleigh Scattering Images Using IDL.
The International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics near the Millenium (ANDM'97),
San Diego, California, USA
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Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- A. Kiraly (2012)
Social responsibility in news – case study on the Hungarian interpretation of a “sensitive” scientific story.
In: M. Bucchi, and B. Trench (eds.): Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science and Technology Communication,
PCST-2012 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Book of Papers,
Observa Science in Society, Vicenza, Italy, 2012, pp. 331-334., ISBN 978-88-904514-9-2.